Protocols of the Alpine Convention

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The protocols of the Alpine Convention contain specific measures to implement the principles laid down in the framework Convention.

The protocols regulate concrete steps for the protection and sustainable development of the Alps.


The existing Protocols cover many different issues:

Furthermore, two additional protocols have been adopted, respectively on 
Solution of litigations and on the Adherence of the Principality of Monaco to the Alpine Convention*.

In addition ot the protocols, the Alpine Conference has adopted the following Ministerial declarations on specific topics:

  • Declaration on Population and Culture* (IX Alpine Conference, 2006)
  • Declaration on Climate Change* (IX Alpine Conference, 2006)
  • Declaration of the XIV. Alpine Conference on strengthening of sustainable economy in the Alps*
        (XIV Alpine Conference, 2016)
  • Declaration of Innsbruck: Climate-neutral and Climate-resilient Alps 2050*
        (XV Alpine Conference, 2019)
  • Declaration on integrated and sustainable water management in the Alps 
        (XVI Alpine Conference, 2020)
  • Declaration on the Protection of Mountain Biodiversity and its Promotion at International Level 
        (XVI Alpine Conference, 2020)

  • * un-official English translations provided by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention 

    Link Protocols and Declarations