News on Soil in Austria - "Open Forum"
SOIL FORUM AUSTRIA - Online Webinar 04.05.2021
The Soil Forum takes place twice a year in Austria since 2002 and offers all interested parties an established format for the exchange of information, communication and discussion of current soil issues.
The regular exchange of information enables the development of common ideas as well as the coordination of procedures and objectives on current topics of soil protection. The Soil Forum creates interfaces with other topics that are important for soil protection, such as spatial planning or geology.
Guest speakers from other environmental protection fields and colleagues from other countries are always welcome!
The "Soil Forum Austria", run by the Federal Environment Agency and the Austrian Soil Science Society since 2002, is an independent, supra-institutional institution.
Special times require flexibility. Since soil experts are currently concerned about various topics, the upcoming Soil Forum should also reflect this!
Therefore, we will take up the current suggestions and offer the opportunity for presentation and discussion during the spring meeting 2021 with the "Open Forum"!
Topic: "Open Forum" - The latest news on soil in Austria
Date: 4th May 2021, 9:00 am - 16:45 pm
Place: Online webinar
For the programme and all current information on the event, please visit the event website:
We kindly ask you to register until Tuesday, 27th April 2021!
For the online registration please follow the link
You will receive the link to the online meeting (Webex) a few days before the event.
Please note that it may be necessary for your IT to activate your participation in Webex.
SUBMISSIONS, DOCUMENTS on previous events:
An overview of past soil forums can be found at
Please note: For technical reasons, the CIRCA storage service for documents etc. has been discontinued. This service is no longer available. In future, we will make summaries and presentations available via the Soil Forum website with the consent of the authors.
Please inform us about events, activities and news on soil, we will provide the information on the soil platform - thank you!
Information on data protection: If you do not wish to receive invitations to future events of the Austrian Soil Forum, please let us know in reply to this email and we will remove you from the invitation list.
Our imprint as well as our privacy policy can be accessed online at any time.
Best regards on behalf of the organisers
Monika Tulipan
Monika Tulipan, Mag.
Soil and land management
soil and land management
T: +43-(0)1-313 04/3661
F: +43-(0)1-313 04/3533
Federal Environment Agency
Spittelauer Lände 5
1090 Vienna
Follow us also on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Company register number (Identification-No): FN 187010s
Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court
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