Organic Cities - "Vienna is/eats sustainable" on 9.11.2021
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear friends of organic agriculture!
We are pleased to invite you to participate online in the Vienna Conference of the "Organic Cities Network Europe".
In January 2020, the City of Vienna took over the chairmanship of the "Organic Cities Network Europe" and, as co-founder of this unique network, invites you to the conference with selected guests and personalities.
Under the title "Organic Cities - Vienna is/eats sustainable", the city of Vienna presents its success story in dealing with organically produced food and uses best practice examples to show which strategies have been developed to supply the urban population in an ecologically sustainable way.
How has the city succeeded in changing the food supply in hospitals, nursing homes and retirement homes, kindergartens and schools to a high-quality, healthy and sustainable food supply? What action plans and initiatives has Vienna implemented and what is their impact on the climate? What are the experiences in other cities of the network?
These and many other questions will be addressed at the Organic Cities Conference in Vienna on November 9, 2021.
Program preview:
· Organic Production in Vienna: Best Practice Review
· Panel discussion with international guests on the larger context of the topic
· Organic Consumption in Vienna: Best Practice Vienna
· Perspectives of the Organic Cities Europe Network
Europe wants to be the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. This also requires a sustainable urban food strategy along the lines of the EU's Organic Action Plan. The appropriate political and economic steps must be taken to preserve the vital resources of soil, water and biodiversity. Only in this way can we do justice to the SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact.
Participation is free of charge. The entire conference will be simultaneously translated into English, French, German and Italian.
You can register for online participation in the conference at the following link:
So that we can plan the conference well, we ask for early registration. We look forward to welcoming you!
Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 09:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and networking optional from
15:30 to 17 h
How: Online via zoom. The access data will be sent to you in due time after your registration.
The Organic Cities Conference is organized by the City of Vienna and Bio Forschung Austria. An invitation with a detailed program will be sent out in early October. Contact for inquiries: Project Office PlanSinn –
All the information on how your city can become part of the Organic Cities network can be found here.
Bernhard Kromp, Eva Erhart and the Bio research team
Esslinger Hauptstraße 132 - 134
1220 Vienna
Phone: + 43 1 4000 49 150
Headquarters: Vienna| ZVR: 895 094 906| Vienna Commercial Court | Info on data protection
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