AgriNatur AT-HU - Biodiversity through anthropogenic uses for nature reserves on 08.+15.06.2022
Dear experts from research, nature conservation, agriculture, politics and administration, dear project participants!
We would be pleased to welcome you or to take you along to the opening and scientific closing events!
INVITATION to the AgriNatur AT-HU closing events in Mosonmagyaróvár
June 8, 2022: OPENING of the AgriNatur - visitor areas in Burggarten and Wittmann Park
>> Program
For the carpooling please register:
E-mail until 3.6.2022 to: Subject: CO-PARTY / MITFAHRGELEGENHEIT on 08.06.2022
June 15, 2022: AgriNatur closing conference
>> Detailed program
Please register for the BUS TRANSFER! from Vienna main station (7.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.)
E-mail until 10.6.2022 to: Subject: BUS RIDE / BUS-FAHRT on 15.06.2022!
9.30 - 9.40 Welcome by Rector Dr. Péter Baranyi, Mayor Dr. István Árvay and Minister of Agriculture
Dr. István Nagy
9.40 -10.40 Presentations of the project leaders on project results
10.40 -11.10 Coffee break, AgriNatur photo exhibition
11.10 - 12.10 Presentations on bird surveys and organic farming
12.10 - 13.10 Lunch
13.10 - 13.40 Guided tours of the visitor areas
13.40 -14.50 Presentations on Györ City Farm, Nature Education in Practice and biodiversity
promoting organic farming
14.50 - 15.30 Discussion forum, conclusion
15.30 - 16.00 Press conference
With kind regards on behalf of the project partners Forestry and Agricultural Enterprise of the City of Vienna, Bio Research Austria and Széchenyi István University - Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science
Susanne Leputsch
Dipl.-Ing. in Susanne Leputsch
Forst- und Landwirtschaftsbetrieb
Direktion, Bereich Naturraum
1100 Wien, Triester Straße 114
Telefon +43 1 4000 49056
Mobile +43 676 8118 49056
Further information on the EU project AgriNatur AT-HU:örderperiode 2014-2020/AgriNatur AT-HU
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