ERDREICH Award "The Award for Sustainable Soil and Land Use" - Submission deadline 07.07.2022
Submit now and win!
Whether municipality, company or private individual - showcase projects for sustainable soil and land use are being sought.
With the new "ERDREICH" award, the Ministry of Climate Protection is promoting commitment in five categories with exciting prizes. So submit your entries now!
The application deadline was extended to 07.07.2022! >> Participation form
All information about it you can find here: Bodenpreis (
Extract from the website earth price:
„Submission possible in five categories
The "ERDREICH" award is presented in five categories and is aimed at communities, companies, associations, organizations, initiatives and private individuals. An independent jury of experts selects the winners in five categories. The categories are awarded in those areas for which soil protection is particularly relevant:
- Soil health: qualitative soil improvement and preservation of soil fertility
- Saving land: economical use of space, compact building forms and unsealing of surfaces
- Land recycling: revitalization of brownfield sites and reuse of developed land
- Participation: Cooperation with or between citizens on the topic of soil protection
- Municipal pioneers: all municipalities that fulfill several categories at the same time can submit entries here"
Dipl.-Ing. Martina Nagl
Bereichsleitung Bodenschutz, Vorstand Europäisches Bodenbündnis
Klimabündnis Österreich gGmbH
A-1040 Wien, Prinz-Eugen-Straße 72/1.5
T: 0664 88504165
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