Copa-Cogeca's Reflection Paper on EU Soil Strategy for 2030

EU Soil Strategy for 2030 – Reflection paper from Copa-Cogeca

Copa and Cogeca welcomes the Soil Strategy; healthy and fertile soils are essential for farmers, foresters and land managers. CopaCogeca support the ambitions stimulating farmers, foresters, and land managers in better soil management for a healthier and more fertile soil environment. However this should not come from further legislation.

• Soil is different from field to field, from region to region, and from country to country. Local challenges necessitate local solutions. A common policy cannot provide this.

• Already there is a lot of legislation and there are strategies, policies and schemes currently governing soil in the European Union. Alongside this, there is national or regional soil protection legislation in many countries. Duplication will only reduce effectiveness not increase it.

• Agricultural and forestry land should be better preserved from land-use change for the purpose of food and resource security

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