BIO Forschung Austria Events February/March 2023: Certificate Course Soil Practitioner Arable Farming Lower Austria, Webinar Nitrogen Dynamics in Livestock-less Arable Farming, Seminar Water Efficient Arable Farming, Excursion Multi-Use Hedgerows.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
We would like to inform you about news concerning our events and invite you to participate:
- Certificate Course Soil Practitioner Arable Farming Lower Austria: Course starts on March 1st (Wein-/Industrieviertel) and March 24th (Waldviertel)
- Webinar Nitrogen dynamics in livestock-less arable farming on Tue, Feb 28th.
- Seminar Water efficient arable farming on Wed., March 1st.
- Excursion Multi-use hedgerows on Wed., March 22nd.
2023 Soil Practitioner Field Crops Certificate Course: There are still places available!
The certificate course soil practitioner provides theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of soil management and soil ecology. In 9 course days, connections between soil, plant and management are shown and made visible by means of simple tests. The participants are enabled to link questions and challenges from their own business with the contents of the course and to independently develop and implement solutions.
The first two days of the course will be held on the following dates:
Day 1: 01.03.2023
Day 2: 05.04.2023
Day 1: 24.03.2023
Day 2: 07.04.2023
The course costs € 405,- per person. Further dates will be determined taking into account the time needs of the course participants (work peaks, duty schedules, vacations). Registration is still possible until February 24th.
For registration and further information at:
Bio Forschung Austria
Mag. Ivoneta Dietha
per e-mail:
or by telephone: 01 4000 49177
Nitrogen dynamics in livestock-less cropping webinar on Tues, Feb 28th.
Livestock-less farming requires a detailed knowledge of nitrogen availability, especially in organic farming. This hands-on webinar will discuss the basics of N dynamics and the importance of nitrogen fixation by legumes. A simple method for estimating nitrate-N in the soil will be presented.
Date: Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 from 9:00 to 12:00 a.m.
Place: Online
Target group: (Organic) farmers with livestock-less arable farms.
Speakers: Mag. Marion Bonell, DI Elisabeth Neuner
Costs: € 30.- per person (subsidized), € 60.- (unsubsidized)
Credit: 3 hours for ÖPUL23-GWA
Registration until Feb 21st at LFI Lower Austria under the following link: Webinar Stickstoffdynamik im viehlosen Ackerbau.
Seminar Water Efficient Farming on Wed., March 1st.
Due to global warming, weather extremes are to be expected with increasing frequency. This poses major challenges for agriculture because, on the one hand, water is becoming a scarce resource and on the other, intensive precipitation events with severe soil erosion are to be expected. These changing conditions make it all the more necessary to bring soils to their best possible condition. In the seminar 'Water Efficient Farming', measures are discussed that help to increase the water uptake and water storage capacity of soils as well as to avoid unnecessary water losses. The interrelationships of soil-plant-water balance and climate are explained in a practice-oriented manner with show objects, practical exercises, field experiments and best practice examples.
Date: Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Target group: Farmers
Location: Bio Forschung Austria, 1220 Vienna, Esslinger Hauptstraße 132-134
Speakers: Dr. Wilfried Hartl, Ing. Rudolf Votzi
Costs: € 55,- per person (subsidized), € 110,- (unsubsidized)
Credit: 5 hours for ÖPUL23-BIO, 4 hours for ÖPUL23-GWA
Registration: register here here until Feb 22nd or call +43 (0) 1-4000 49 150.
Excursion multi-use hedges on Wed., March 22nd in Höbersdorf, Lower Austria
Hedges ensure that the fertile topsoil is protected from wind erosion and improve the microclimate. This is becoming increasingly important as an adaptation to climate change. They provide habitats for insects, birds, and mammals, thereby promoting biodiversity and beneficial insects. Multi-use hedges are created to provide additional benefits to the farm beyond these positive effects. A typical example is the use of (wild) fruit and nuts. We visit existing multi-use hedges on the Binder farm, analyze them together with the farm manager with regard to benefits, biodiversity and protection function.
Other uses of multi-use hedges will also be discussed. Multi-use hedges are a proven agroforestry system suitable for Central European agricultural and climatic conditions.
Date: Wednesday, March 22th, 2023, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Target group: Farmers interested in actively shaping their agricultural landscape.
Credit: 2 hours for ÖPUL 2023 - UBB or BIO-BIODIVERSITY
Speakers: Franz Binder, Dr. Erwin Szlezak, Dr. Eva Erhart, Dr. Wilfried Hartl
Costs: free of charge
Meeting point: At the wayside shrine between Höbersdorf and Untermallebarn (L1089), 2011 Höbersdorf. Parking in the field path
Registration: register here by March 19th or call +43 (0) 1-4000 49 150.
If you have any further inquiries, we will be happy to address them (+43 1 4000 49150).
We look forward to your participation!
Kind regards,
Your Bio Research Austria team
Bio Research Austria (Bio Forschung Austria)
Esslinger Hauptstraße 132 - 134
1220 Vienna
Phone: + 43 1 4000 49 150
Head office: Vienna | ZVR: 895 094 906| Vienna Commercial Court | Info about data protection
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