"Agroforestry in Austria" - Agroforestry Regulars' Table on 30.03.2023 in Zellerndorf
Dear Agroforestry Interested Parties,
we have now completed the three-year EIP AGRI project "Agroforestry in Austria" and we are happy about the developments we could observe during this time: the agroforestry know-how in Austria is increasing, the network of the agroforestry scene is growing, the interest in the topic is clearly noticeable and first information material has been produced and can now be viewed here: https://agroforst-oesterreich.at/projektergebnisse/
We have now succeeded in joining an educational project at FiBL in which a number of events on the subject will be organized over the next two years. The first event will be a "Stammtisch" (regulars' table) to which we would like to cordially invite you:
On Thursday, March 30th 2023 at 5 p.m. in the inn Retzerlandhof in Zellerndorf 174, 2051 Zellerndorf, district Hollabrunn (https://www.retzerlandhof.com/)
We want to bring together interested farmers with farmers who have already implemented agroforestry and promote the inspiring "talk shop at the pub table" - but we call it "exchange meeting" and look forward to discussions, food for thought, views, questions and approaches.
A registration for the regulars' table (theresia.markut@fibl.org) but also a spontaneous participation is possible.
With best regards,
Theresia Markut and Peter Meindl
Ps: do you want to be added to the Agroforts mailing list or unsubscribe? Write us a mail.
Mag. Theresia Markut
Sustainability analysis and agroforestry development in Austria
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL (Research Institute for Organic Agriculture)
Doblhoffgasse 7/10
1010 Vienna, Österreich
Tel. +43 (0)1 9076313 22
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