Excursion to multi-use hedges on 05.06.2024
Hedges ensure that the fertile topsoil is protected from wind erosion and improve the microclimate. This is becoming increasingly important as an adaptation to climate change. They provide habitats for insects, birds and mammals, thereby promoting biodiversity and beneficial organisms.
Multi-use hedges are planted in such a way that they provide additional benefits for the farm over and above these positive effects. A typical example is the utilisation of (wild) fruit and nuts. We inspect existing multi-use hedges on the Binder farm and analyse them together with the farm manager with regard to their benefits, biodiversity and protective function.
Other possible uses of multi-use hedges, legal issues and current subsidies are also discussed. Multi-use hedges are a tried and tested agroforestry system that is suitable for Central European agricultural and climatic conditions.
Date: Wednesday, 05.06.2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Target group: Farmers who are interested in actively shaping their agricultural landscape and consumers who are interested in biodiversity-promoting measures.
Creditability: 2 hours for ÖPUL 2023 - UBB or BIO-BIODIVERSITY
Speakers: Franz Binder, Dr. Erwin Szlezak, Dr. Eva Erhart, Dr. Wilfried Hartl
Costs: free of charge
Meeting point: At the wayside shrine between Höbersdorf and Untermallebarn (L1089), 2011 Höbersdorf. Parking in the country lane
Registration by telephone on +43 (0) 1 4000 49 150 or per e-mail office@bioforschung.at.
We look forward to your participation!
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