Bio Forschung Austria - Events in June 2024, Plants and their guests brochure, Greening compass

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to invite you to our next events:

Promoting biodiversity in arable farming regions on Fri., 14.6.
Seminar on promoting wild bees and beneficial insects in organic farming on Thu, 27.6.
New videos on the topic of multi-use hedges online
Brochure “Plants and their guests - about flowers and pollinators"
Greening compass and extension


>> Promoting biodiversity in arable farming regions

on Friday, June 14 at Bio Forschung Austria, 1220 Vienna

• Creating benefits for agriculture by promoting biodiversity
• Analysis of the current situation shows scope for action
• Measures to increase biodiversity and maintenance of biodiversity elements
• Practical examples for implementation

Crediting: 3 hours for ÖPUL23-UBB or BIO-BIODIVERSITY

>> Seminar on promoting wild bees and beneficial insects in organic farming

on Thursday, June 27 at Bio Forschung Austria, 1220 Vienna

• The most important wild bees and beneficial insects and their importance for agriculture
Performance of beneficial organisms using examples (pollination by wild bees, natural pest regulation by beneficial organisms)
• Promoting beneficial insects by creating suitable habitats (e.g. hedges, flower strips)
• Methods that can be applied on the farm

Credit: 3 hours for ÖPUL23-UBB or BIO-BIODIVERSITY


>> Brochure “Plants and their guests - about flowers and pollinators"

available as Download and in the Webshop

• More than two thirds of all plants depend on animal pollinators
• Insight into the interaction between plants and animals and why native plants are so important for the preservation of biodiversity
• Overview of plants as a valuable food source for insects and birds

>> Greening compass and extension

available in the Webshop

• The Greening Compass provides an overview of the characteristics of the 31 most important green manure plants
• The greening compass extension describes 13 overwintering or perennial greening plants
•  Information and recommendations for putting together the right greening mix for your own site and crop rotation