Earth Colors Workshop 06.08.2024
Would you like to try painting with natural pigments?
On 6.8.2024 a natural pigment painting workshop will take place in the vicinity, west of St. Pölten, in Martina Gruber's garden house.
!!! Seminar 6.8. fully booked !!!
Arrival is from 4.30 pm. The workshop starts at 5.00 pm with introductory words by Alexandra Ritter from the BIENE association, who will also provide the natural pigments.
Then I, Maria Fahrnberger, explain the preparation of natural painting mediums. We process them with the earth pigments so that you can paint well with them. I look forward to accompanying you with your first paintings and of course you are free to try out and experiment as you wish.
There will be time to paint and create until 9.00 pm.
I'll bring painting boards and paper and there will be snacks for the small appetite.
Please contact me by August 1st if you would like to take part so that the natural pigment bags can be prepared.
You will receive the exact address when you register.
Earthy and hearty Maria Fahrnberger, Martina Gruber and
BIENE - Association Soil, Bioenergy and Sustainability Network Lower Austria/EU
The next date is on 16. 9. 2024
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