Online Workshop: "Soil and climate" - Flood events as a Joint Task - Management and Prevention on 22.11.2024
Online workshop series 'Soil and Climate':
Flood events as a joint task - management and prevention
Online-workshop, 22. November 2024, 10 am to 12 noon
The increasing frequency of flood events requires joint action by cities, municipalities and rural regions. The existing infrastructure is often inadequate to cushion the consequences of such extreme events. Successful management and prevention can only be achieved through close cooperation at various levels - from local initiatives to supra-regional strategies.
The central question is: How can cities and regions increase their resilience to flooding and effectively limit damage? Cooperation between authorities, citizens, science and industry is essential in order to develop sustainable solutions.
Prevention is equally important: flood damage can be reduced in the long term through holistic planning that promotes water retention in the landscape, creates near-natural water bodies and adapts infrastructure to changing climatic conditions. A common understanding of the importance of such measures, the sustainable use of natural resources such as soil and the active participation of the population are crucial in this regard.
The webinar is dedicated to the topics of inter-municipal cooperation and strategies for long-term flood prevention. Specific examples will be used to show how joint action can lead to greater resilience to flood events - both in urban and rural areas.
We cordially invite you to join the discussion and exchange ideas. The event is free of charge.
Language: German
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