Video Clips from the 31th Conference of the Danube Countries
Here you can find the Video Clips from the 31th Conference of the Danube Countries.
Copyright for the Videos: NÖ Agrarbezirksbehörde, Fachabteilung Landentwicklung
Opening of the Conference
01-Szlezak-welcome 02-Stummer
Erwin Szlezak, Agricultural District Teresa Stummer, Working Community
Authority: Welcome of the Danube Region (AT)
0.3 Stania 0.4 Ballnus Kobaslic
Konrad Stania, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Florian Ballnus (DE), Ana Kobaslic (HR) EUSDR
Forestry, Regions and Water Management (AT) Priority Area 6, Biodiversity and Landscapes,
Air and Soils
Keynotes EU Mission Soil Deal for Europe
Soil Management and Monitoring Approaches in Lower Austria
2.1 Wenzel 2.2 Holzinger
Walter Wenzel, BOKU (AT) Christian Holzinger, Agricultural District
Authority (AT)
Statements on the current situation: "Local and national contributions of Soils to the new European ´Nature Restoration Law´in Danube countries".
4. Deim 5. Okenka
Katharina Deim, Agricultural District Antonín Okénka, Mayor of Nova Lhota
Autohority (AT): EU Nature Restoration Law and Member of European Land and
Soil Alliance (CZ)
6. Zahora 7. Koltai
Jaroslav Zahora, Mendel University Brno (CZ) Gabor Koltai, Széchenyi István University (HU)
8. Voica 9. Cherneva
Marius Voica, University of Architecture Toni Cherneva, TEKTON (BG)
and Urbanism Bucharest (RO)
10. Drumea 11. Erhart
Dumitru Drumea, Free International Eva Erhart, Bioforschung Austria (AT)
University of Moldov (MD)
Interreg Central Europe - Carbon Farming Central Europe (Bioforschung Austria)
Transformative climate resilience through nature-based solutions
14. Sancho-Reinoso 15. Deim ARCADIA
Alexis Sancho-Reinoso, Federal Katharina Deim, Agricultural District
Government of Lower Austria (AT) Authority (AT)
EU Project: Plants4cooling - Cooling effect of plants and application of innovative tools for climate change adaption
17. Hrdousek P4C 19. Weninger
Vít Hrdoušek, Euregio Silva Nortica (CZ) Thomas Weninger, Federal Agency of
Water Management (AT)
Caring for Soils Responsible for our soils: Recognize opportunities an take action. A common path for experts and citizens
20. Colloredo Mannsfeld 21. Eigner
Nikodemus Colloredo Mannsfeld, Farmer (AT) Herbert Eigner, Agrana Austria
32nd Conference of the Danube Region
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Die Maulbeere - Kultur, Produktion u.Verwendung
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Tageskurs: Perma-Veggies - Mehrjähriges Gemüse und essbare Stauden
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Agroforst: Traditionelle Systeme von Land- und Forstnutzung verbinden
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Vitiforst - wie integriere ich Gehölze in meinen Weingarten?
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