Online-Wokshop: Water in the landscape - water retention in the area on 18.11.2022

Online workshop, November 18th, 2022, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Climate Alliance and Soil & Land Alliance continue their successful online event series "Soil and Climate" with this workshop.

Drought and heavy rain events are increasingly becoming a problem in rural areas as well.

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SYM:BIO Guideline "Diverse Green Spaces - For a sustainable and species-rich green"

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Green spaces not only have a high aesthetic value for us humans, they also contribute significantly to our well-being by having a positive effect on the microclimate. They are also refuges for many plant and animal species. Thus, the nature-friendly planning, creation and maintenance of

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FFG: Focus on Europe and International Issues 18/2022

Are you already part of the new Horizon Europe Community Austria? If not, it's about time! The first community events on the following topics will start in November:

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BIO Forschung Austria Events November/December 2022: Certificate Course Soil Practitioner, Multi-Use Hedges, Webinars on Greening and Plant Protection, Seminars on Nitrogen Dynamics and Humus-Promoting Measures; Brochure "Closing Cycles"

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

We would like to inform you about news concerning our events and invite you to participate: