Excursion to multi-use hedges on 16.04.2024

Hedges ensure that the fertile topsoil is protected from wind erosion and improve the microclimate. This is becoming increasingly important as an adaptation to climate change. They provide habitats for insects, birds and mammals, thereby promoting biodiversity and beneficial organisms.

Multi-use hedges are planted in such a way that they provide additional benefits for the

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Online Workshop: "Soil and Climate" - Holistic Water Management in urban and rural Areas on 12.04.2024

Online workshop series "Soil an Climate":
Holistic Water Management in urban and rural Areas

Online workshop, 12.04.2024, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Increasingly frequent extreme events such as heat, drought and flooding are increasing the pressure on urban and rural living

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Carbon Farming - for what and for whom? - Hybrid event on 13 March 2024 in Vienna or online

The hybrid event will take place on 13 March 2024 from 09:00 am to 01:00 pm.

Participation is possible online via Zoom or on site at AGES Vienna 22, Spargelfeldstraße 191, 1220 Vienna.

Participation is free of charge.

Further information >> here

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BIO Forschung Austria - Events in February, March and April 2024

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to invite you to our next events:

  • Soil practitioner arable farming certificate course 2024: Course starts on Tue, 12.3.
  • Crop rotation-adapted cover crops - diverse effects on Tue, 27.2.
  • Nitrogen dynamics in livestock-free arable farming
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Joel Salatin - Masterclass seminar on pasture management 20.-21.04.2024 in Arstetten

Joel Salatin - Masterclass-Seminar Weidemanagement 20.-21.04.2024 in Arstetten

Wie Weide wirtschaftlich wird.

Ein Farmer mit Weitblick revolutioniert mit seinem Weidemanagement die Landwirtschaft in den USA.

Das 2tägige Masterclass-Seminar mit JOEL SALATIN
findet von 20. bis

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