Nomination as a SONDAR Ambassador and Initial Lecture of Univ-Prof. Dr. Walter W. Wenzel, Grad. Eng.
On October 1st, 2012, at the atrium of the IFA Tulln the initial lecture of Walter Wenzel was held on the topic of "Soils in a Global Change".
Moderator Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Stampfer, Grad. Eng. hosted the evening ceremony. Rector Univ.-Prof. DDDr. h.c. Dr. Martin Gerzabek, Grad. Eng. welcomed a large number of honorary guests. Univ.-Prof. Dr. techn. Rodolf Krska, Grad. Eng. presented the organizations at the site of Tulln (UFT, BOKU, AIT, IFA, BIOMIN etc.) in an impressive short presentation, and gave a good survey on current successes.
Within the framework of this event, a SONDAR delegation (Bio Research Austria, SENEC Association, Province of Lower Austria, Department of Rural Development, Vermigrand Natural Products, WPA Consulting Engineers) handed over to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Wenzel, Grad. Eng. the official deed of his nomination as a soil ambassador in the Danube region.
Subsequently, in a comfortable gathering at the UFT, a get-together with regional cuisine and musical accompaniment of the BOKU-BRASS Band was celebrated.
We congratulate Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Wenzel, Grad. Eng. on his nomination as a University Professor of soil protection and soil management.
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