April 18, 2013: SONDAR CZ-AT Meeting – Expert Meeting on EROSION
On April 18, 2013 international soil experts gathered for a discussion on the topic of erosion in Tulln on the Danube.
Soil is the basis of our lives. It forms the upper layer of our planet with 50 cm, 30 cm or sometimes only 10 cm of fertile soil, and it provides for 90 % of our food. It acts as a regulator, filter, buffer and transformer of the most distinct substances. Also, soil cannot be increased at will, therefore soil conservation and the right use of soil is a central task. Soil is threatened in many ways, such as, for instance, by erosion due to misuse and excessive exploitation in favorable conditions, neglect and give-up in unfavorable conditions.
The problem of soil erosion
Soil erosion is one of the main causes of degradation of soils. Effective measures in order to prevent soil erosion, therefore, are of crucial importance, in order to preserve healthy, fertile soils for the generations to come.
This meeting has been performed within the framework of the SONDAR CZ-AT project, subsidized by the European Union.
Download Presentations:
Wilfried Hartl - International best practices against erosion
Peter Strauss - Erosion - activities of SONDAR
Brian Oldreive - Best practices from Africa
Brian Simpson - Best practices from the United Kingdom
Ronald Gilchrist - Best practices from Scotland
Milan Hluchy - Greening in winegrowing - measures against erosion
Florian Ballnus - EU Strategy in the Danube Region
Anton Reinl - Input of agriculture to sustainable land use
Josef Rosner - Minimum tillage and environmental aspects in Lower Austria and Vysocina
Walter Wenzel - Humus balance - closing material cycles in the lower austrian region Tulln and Lilienfeld
Jaroslav Záhora - Erhöhung der mikrobiellen Aktivitäten des Bodens - ein Schlüsselinstrument gegen Bodenerosion
Pictures: © NÖ Agrarbezirksbehörde/Nadja Meister
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