SONDAR at the Port Meeting of the Working Community of the Danube Regions in Krems
On May 13, 2013 in Krems, the starting signal for a closer connection of the Danube region and the Western Black Sea region was given. In a memorandum it was agreed politico-economically to connect these two waterway regions.
The forty regions of the Working Community of the Danube regions intend to cooperate sensibly in matters of economy, but also ecology with this Black Sea region, emphasizes Regional Minister for matters concerning the EU, Barbara Schwarz. "Only where quality of life is maintained, people along the river will finally feel at ease, and will use a transportation route, the creation of which is today's initiative, which is sensible on account of ecology. Ships can simply transport many times as much as trucks in a very environment-friendly manner", states Schwarz literally.
Danube region: An ever expanding market
Wilhelm Molter, Vice President of the European Investment Bank, promises funds for such projects. Vice Chancellor Michael Spindelegger adds: "Along the Danube river, where hundred million of people live, there is also a market. And this market grows faster than the market of other regions. Therefore, it has been so interesting for us Austrians to development something like this together with Romania. Thank God, we have succeeded."
There is already a total of 500 projects along the Danube river. An important task of the new strategy will be their coordination.
Some representatives of the SONDAR network had the opportunity to present their projects concerning the topics of soil conservation and sustainability in the Danube region within the framework of this meeting. Regional Minister Barbara Schwarz as well as Vice Chancellor Michael Spindelegger congratulated on the successful activities and emphasized the importance of the implementation of lively projects, which the population can perceive as their own, for the Danube region and the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
For further information on these projects:
Photos: © Lower Austrian Agricultural District Authorities - Department of Rural Development / Nadja Meister
32nd Conference of the Danube Region
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