Climateresistant trees for settlement and landscape
With the participation of Lower Austria, South Bohemia and South Moravia, the project partners jointly developed strategies and measures to adapt green infrastructures to the consequences of climate change on 9 May 2018.
The project outputs are cross-border action programs and guidelines such as a catalog of climate change-suitable plant species and extensive, model-like plantations such as avenues and hedges. "The first" climate tree ", a field maple, was planted at the start of the project. The project runs until March 31, 2020.
The consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly noticeable in some Lower Austrian regions, such as the Weinviertel. The effects include, for example, increasing drought or more frequent heavy rainfall events. "In Central Europe, the regions and communities face similar challenges. This cross-border cooperation is a sign of togetherness in order to master the effects of climate change together", said National Council Member Georg Strasser.
Green infrastructure such as gardens, parks, wind hedges, avenues or corridor trees are becoming increasingly important for the agricultural landscape. These habitats can mitigate the negative effects of climate change by protecting from heat, increasing or even enabling quality of life for humans and animals or improving the infiltration of surface water.
"The communities and their citizens will benefit from this cooperation and the associated exchange of experience. It is important to combine the knowledge from science and practice into instructions for action", said Pavel Hroch, deputy captain of the South Bohemian Circle.
As Green Infrastructure faces similar problems across borders, the Climate Green Project (ATCZ142) will be implemented jointly within the INTERREG V-A Austria-Czech Republic. Among the nine project partners from three regions are government offices, regional authorities, municipalities or associations of municipalities and associations.
"It is a special honor that the ecological garden capital of Austria was chosen for the setting of the first climatic tree with the municipality of Tulln", said Tullns Mayor Mag. Peter Eisenschenk.
Cross-border action programs and guidelines will be developed, such as a "catalog of climate-friendly plant species." The Czech Republic will focus on tree planting, training and workshops on the management, design and maintenance of green infrastructures will be offered on both sides of the borders.
The project Climate Green ATCZ142 will be implemented with the financial support of the EU within the framework of the INTERREG V-A Austria-Czech Republic.
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Photos of the event © Nadja Meister / Amt der NÖ Landesregierung - Abteilung Umwelt- und Energiewirtschaft
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