Bio Forschung Austria events in May and June 2024

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to invite you to our next events:

Recognizing weeds and using them as indicator plants on Thu, 16.5.
Don't be afraid of thistle on Tue, 28.5.
RABS - Regionally adapted greening seed on Fri., 24.5.
Promoting biodiversity in arable farming regions on Fri., 14.6.
Seminar on promoting wild bees and beneficial insects in organic farming on Thu, 27.6.
New videos on the topic of multi-use hedges online


>> Recognizing weeds and using them as indicator plants

on Thursday, May 16 at Bio Forschung Austria, 1220 Vienna

• Recognize weeds in the field and learn to understand the causes of their occurrence
• Use weeds in your fields as indicator plants ("Soil analysis for intelligent lazy people")
• Find suitable strategies for regulation

Crediting: 4 hours for ÖPUL23 - BIO

>> No fear of the thistle

on Tuesday, May 28 at Bio Forschung Austria, 1220 Vienna

• Properties of thistle
• Causes of thistle growth
• Effects of previous cultivation on the soil, site characteristics of the field

Credit: 5 hours for ÖPUL23 - BIO

>> RABS - Regionally adapted greening seed

on Friday, May 24 at the organic field days in 7082 Donnerskirchen

• ARGE Österr. Bio-Begrünungssaatgut has been testing seed production techniques for innovative cover crops since 2022
• Christoph Reithofer reports on the experience gained from the ARGE's practical trials

>> Promoting biodiversity in arable farming regions

on Friday, June 14 at Bio Forschung Austria, 1220 Vienna

• Creating benefits for agriculture by promoting biodiversity
• Analysis of the current situation shows scope for action
• Measures to increase biodiversity and maintenance of biodiversity elements
• Practical examples for implementation

Crediting: 3 hours for ÖPUL23-UBB or BIO-BIODIVERSITY

>> Seminar on promoting wild bees and beneficial insects in organic farming

on Thursday, June 27 at Bio Forschung Austria, 1220 Vienna

• The most important wild bees and beneficial insects and their importance for agriculture
Performance of beneficial organisms using examples (pollination by wild bees, natural pest regulation by beneficial organisms)
• Promoting beneficial insects by creating suitable habitats (e.g. hedges, flower strips)
• Methods that can be applied on the farm

Credit: 3 hours for ÖPUL23-UBB or BIO-BIODIVERSITY

>> New videos on the topic of multi-use hedges online

Videos "Multi-use hedges" and "Root competition of hedges"

• Possible uses and experiences of farmer Franz Binder
• Effects on the microclimate, biodiversity and root competition as well as legal and funding aspects