Our soil – we stand upon it!

Our soil is an important good, which cannot be increased. We need the soil. We and all the coming generations. We construct upon it, drive on it, walk on it and stand on the soil. The crops in the fields stem from it, our daily food.

Therefore, a careful and conscious treatment of the soil is necessary. Lower Austria has started the campaign "Our soil - we stand upon it!" in the spring of 2007.

LH-Stellvertreter Dr. Stephan Pernkopf

We want to become aware of the soil with its precious functions and will publicize and discuss the most important topics on active protection of soil in the next few years.

We begin with cultivated soil. Each and every one of us can make a contribution to the protection of soil by a careful use and protection of the soil behind the door. The topics of soil further cover fertile soil, living soil, soil treasures as well as an economical treatment of the soil.

Especially the municipalities are important partners concerning the treatment of our soil. And there are already 50 municipalities in Lower Austria, which have entered the Land and Soil Alliance and which stand for a sustainable treatment of the soil. They shall even become more numerous.

The Energy and Environment Agency Lower Austria (eNu) advises the municipalities in public relations and on projects on the topics of energy, nature and the environment and thus also on soil protection.

We consume soil - in order to live. However, we also need our soil - in order to live. For us it is a question of understanding this and of a balanced collaboration! This is what we wish to facilitate. In this context, there will be much information and many incentives within the framework of the Lower Austrian soil campaign.

Where do we stand upon? Upon our soil.

LH-Stellvertreter Dr. Stephan Pernkopf

Examples and information about our soil