Lassee Edible Landscape
Meadow orchards are man-made cultivated landscapes, not created for the most part until the 18th and 19th centuries and featuring among the richest species-filled biotopes in Central Europe. Conceived for multifunctional use, they allow for simultaneous fruit cultivation and pasture grazing. As a rule, they make do without fertilisers and pesticides.
Grassland communities as storage space for humus play an important role in the absorption of CO2. The enormous mass of roots by far outranks the aboveground plant sections. The build up of roots and, with that, the humus of tomorrow, however, will be effective only with appropriate care of the lawn and pasture management, hence, with careful mowing of the lawn twice to three times but not constant mowing or excessive use of the grasslands.
Planting a flower meadow or flower strip:
Soil preparation: Mill the ground and rake the soil, levelling the earth. Avoid at all costs sowing in the existing lawn!
Planting: Spread wild flower seeds, press down lightly with a board or stabilise with a roller.
Mowing: 2-3 mowing processes with consistent mowing times. Allow the cuttings to dry for seed shedding, then remove.
The goal: Creating a low nutrient soil for rare flowers.
Regional seeds can be ordered at and
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