NZL_Climate Change Adaptation

NZL - Climate change adaptation at the farm

Download: Invitation

Conservation, Soil Conservation and Agriculture - How does it work?

June 20 and 21, 2018

Download program:

Climateresistant trees for settlement and landscape


With the participation of Lower Austria, South Bohemia and South Moravia, the project partners jointly developed strategies and measures to adapt green infrastructures to the consequences of climate change on 9 May 2018.

The project outputs are cross-border action programs and guidelines such as a catalog

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Invitation 24th Conference of the sustainability working group Maintropics soilprotection and sustainable landuse of the working community of the Danube Regions


>> Download: Programmdraft-DE

>> Download: Programmdraft-EN

>> Download: City Plan

>> Registration till 6th of April 2017, later registrations will not be considered

The EU Danube Region

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Organic matter management and regional production of biofertilizers


As part of the ARGE Donauländer, working group "Sustainability, Energy and Environment", the leading project "Humus Management and Regional Bio Fertilizer Production" of the Lower Austrian Research Technology and Innovation Program of Dr.-Ing. Eva Erhart presented.
The focus of this project is the optimization

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