Earth Colors Workshop 06.08.2024
Would you like to try painting with natural pigments?
On 6.8.2024 a natural pigment painting workshop will take place in the vicinity, west of St. Pölten, in Martina Gruber's garden house.
!!! Seminar 6.8. fully booked !!!
Arrival is from 4.30 pm. The workshop starts at 5.00 pm with introductory words
Drechsler Carbo Hedge Study: CO2 Sequestration by Hedges - How much Climate Protection is possible?
Article "Protective Hedges - Hedges benefit and protect us" - Lower Austrian Perspective 02/2024
Bio Forschung Austria - Events in June 2024, Plants and their guests brochure, Greening compass
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to invite you to our next events:
Promoting biodiversity in arable farming regions on Fri., 14.6.
Seminar on promoting wild bees and beneficial insects in organic farming on Thu, 27.6.
Excursion to multi-use hedges on 05.06.2024
Hedges ensure that the fertile topsoil is protected from wind erosion and improve the microclimate. This is becoming increasingly important as an adaptation to climate change. They provide habitats for insects, birds and mammals, thereby promoting biodiversity and beneficial organisms.
Multi-use hedges are planted in such a way that they provide additional benefits for the
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