A Day in the Prehistoric Museum for the Winners of the 2012 Cross-Border Painting Competition “Painting with the Colours of the Earth”


The winners chosen by online voting of the cross-border painting competition "Painting with the Colours of the Earth" of category 1, the Blindenmarkt Secondary Modern School, were invited to visit the Prehistoric Museum at Asparn / Zaya on 06-27-2012.

The pupils were offered exciting insights into life of man in prehistoric times. They were even allowed to learn how to deal with the "prehistoric lighter", the flintstone. But in prehistoric times, not only lighting a fire played a crucial role, also hunting was an important element of life. In order to show to the participants the difficulties of hunting, they were allowed to try throwing spears.

After exhaustive hunting and lighting a fire, they were offered a taste of flatbread, and subsequently sausages grilled on a stick. The exciting day will rest for a long time in the memories of the "young researchers".
