ATTENTION! Excursion multi-use Hedges on 23.11.2021 cancelled due to current COVID-situation, next Excursion on 08.03.2022
Ladies and gentlemen,
Unfortunately, the multi-use hedge excursion on 23.11.2021 has to be cancelled due to the current CoVid situation.
Thank you for your interest and we hope that the next multi-use hedgerow field trip can take place on 08.03.2022 and that we can welcome you on this date.
With kind regards
Your Bio Forschung Austria team
Hedges ensure that the fertile topsoil is protected from wind erosion and improve the microclimate. This is becoming increasingly important as an adaptation to climate change. They provide habitats for insects, birds and mammals, thereby promoting biodiversity and beneficial insects. Multi-use hedges are established to provide additional benefits to the farm beyond these positive effects, such as the use of wild fruits and nuts. We visit existing multi-use hedges on the Binder farm and analyze them together with the farm manager with regard to benefits, biodiversity and protective function. Other uses of multi-use hedges will also be discussed. Multi-use hedges are a proven agroforestry system suitable for Central European agricultural and climatic conditions.
Date: Tuesday, 23rd November 2021, Start: 02:00 p.m. CANCELLED
Speakers: Franz Binder, Dr. Erwin Szlezak, Dr. Eva Erhart
Costs: free of charge
Location: At the wayside shrine (Marterl) between Höbersdorf and Untermallebarn (L1089), 2011 Höbersdorf. Parking in the field path
Registration: register here until 18th November 2021. Additional people please register separately.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions (+43 1 4000 49150).
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