Online Workshop: "Soil and Climate" - Holistic Water Management in urban and rural Areas on 12.04.2024
Online workshop series "Soil an Climate":
Holistic Water Management in urban and rural Areas
Online workshop, 12.04.2024, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Increasingly frequent extreme events such as heat, drought and flooding are increasing the pressure on urban and rural living spaces. The current infrastructure in urban and rural areas is not geared towards this development.
How can cities, municipalities and regions deal with this situation? What are suitable solutions to increase their resilience and minimise damage? And how can the careful and sustainable use of natural resources - especially soil - be ensured at the same time?
Comprehensive water management should take into account as many influencing factors as possible. More space for bodies of water, even infiltration, water retention for dry periods, strengthening riparian areas and increasing biodiversity are just some of them.
The webinar deals with holistic water management with a focus on soil and climate protection. It presents concrete examples of water restoration and its significance for urban and rural environments.
We cordially invite you to join in the discussion and exchange ideas. The event is free of charge.
Language: German
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