Agroforestry Care Seminars on 17.09.2024 and 27.09.2024, Agroforestry Regulars' Table on 27.09.2024

Dear people interested in agroforestry,

We are pleased to send you the detailed program for the two announced wildlife damage care seminars and the regulars' table.

• Next week on Tuesday, 17 September from 14:00, the care seminar on "Root Education in Agroforestry Systems" will take place at the farm in the Hollabrunn district. Using a profile pit, we will be able to see the root growth of trees in their 4th year in the field. Christian will set up a root training device on site and, if the weather and soil conditions allow, carry out live root pruning.  David Luger (Bio-Austria), Joachim Pennetzdorfer (forestry consultant, LK Upper Austria) and Katarzyna Retzer (BOKU, Institute of Forest Ecology) will provide their know-how on root growth in the field and in trees.

• On Friday, 27 September at 14:00, we will meet at the farm in the Zwettl district and learn about the many ways of protecting the trees in an agroforestry system from damage caused by wildlife animals. Irene and Gerald have tried out many possibilities on their agroforestry plots and will pass on their experiences. We will see the practical application on site. Please feel free to bring along successful and unsuccessful illustrative objects for wildlife browsing protection. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to exchange ideas at the agroforestry get-together.

• On Friday, 27 September from 16:30: Agroforestry get-together following the wildlife damage care seminar at

The programs can also be found in the appendix or here: Root training, game browsing, regulars' table.

Registration is requested:

We are in the field, please wear suitable equipment.

The program for the all-day conference "Agroforestry systems - sustainable concepts for agriculture" on 25 November in Wels will follow shortly.

Best regards,
Theresia Markut und Peter Meindl

Mag. Theresia Markut
Sustainability analysis and agroforestry development in Austria Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL
Doblhoffgasse 7/10
1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 (0)1 9076313 22