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Video - 60 years of soil protection in Lower Austria (NÖ Wissen 10.09.2018)
Slides - 60 years of soil protection in Lower Austria
Here you will find up-to-date informations on the activities of the Department of Land Development of the Lower Austria Agricultural District Authority and the Energy and Environment Agency NÖ (eNu) on the topic of soil as well as the working group sustainability of the ARGE Danuebe Countries.
The soil protection in Lower Austria has planted and maintained 15 million shrubs and trees in the last 60 years. On 3000 hectares of agricultural landscape, there is a network of hedge row. The Lower Austria soil protection maintains 1,000 plants on 160 hectares in 150 municipalities in Lower Austria. Every year, 22 hectares of new plantings added over a length of 30 km and with 65,000 trees and shrubs made from regional seeds. >> Activities Lower Austria ABB (pdf)
The Energy and Environment Agency Lower Austria (eNu) advises the municipalities in public relations and on projects on the topics of energy, nature and the environment and thus also on soil protection.
Article in "NÖ Perspektiven", "Umwelt&Energie" and "Bio Forschung Austria":
Edition 02/2024: Protective hedges - hedges benefit and protect us
Edition 03/2023: Hedges - habitats and windbreaks in one; multi-use hedges - little effort and great benefit
Edition 02/2023: Soil go, soil health, fertility food
Edition 01/2023: Hedges connect habitats
Edition 03/2022: Sustainable management, Stronger together - DREIKLANG in Lower Austria
Edition 01/2022: Hedge landscape: playdoyer for soil conservation,biodiversity,quality of life
Edition 01/2021: Multi-use hedges: Fruits for the next generations, HARVEST HELPERS
Edition 02/2020: Pole position: Lower Austria is a pioneer when it comes to healthy soil
Edition 04/2019: Humus Landscape Hedge
Edition 01/2019: Down to earth
Soil info:
31th Conferece of the Danube Region on 24th and 25th September 2024 in Tulln Austria - Photos available
Caring for Soils
Soil Management, Monitoring and Awareness Approaches
• Challenges and Perspectives for Farmers, Land users, Scientists and Authorities.
• Best practices for EU Missions Soil &
Video Clips from the 31th Conference of the Danube Countries
Here you can find the Video Clips from the 31th Conference of the Danube Countries.
Copyright for the Videos: NÖ Agrarbezirksbehörde, Fachabteilung Landentwicklung
Opening of the Conference
Conference Report from the 13th Annual Forum of the Strategy für the Danube Region 20.-21.06.2024 in Vienna
The Conference Report is available: >> Download Report (pdf)
Or download directly from the Danube Region website:
Article in Geoderma: SOC:Clay Ratio: A Mechanistically-Sound, Universal Soil Health Indicator Across Ecological Zones and Land Use Categories?
SOC: clay ratio: A mechanistically-sound, universal soil health indicator across ecological zones and land use categories?
The European Union has recently launched a proposal for a soil monitoring and resilience directive (“soil monitoring law”, SML), defining the SOC: clay ratio
Workshop: Painting with Earth Colors on 16.12.2024
A natural pigment painting workshop will take place on 16.12.2024.
Contact: WS. manager Maria Fahrnberger
Wintertagung 2025 - Ökosoziales Forum
more ...26.02.2025
Zertifikatslehrgang Bodenpraktiker Ackerbau 2025 - Start
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Workshop: Malen mit Erdfarben
more ...10.12.2024
Webinar: Humusbilanzierung für den eigenen Betrieb
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Humusbilanzierung für den eigenen Betrieb
more ...27.11.2024
Webinar: Ab in die Hecke - Förderung von Mehrnutzenhecken im ÖPUL 2023
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Agroforstsysteme - Tagung
more ...22.11.2024
Online-Workshop Boden und Klima - Hochwasserereignisse als Gemeinschaftsaufgabe - Bewältigung und P...
more ...15.11.2024
Anmeldungende für den Ground:breaker Award
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European Mission Soil Week 2024 in Brussels, Belgium
more ...12.11.2024
Fruchtfolgeangepasste Begrünungen
more ...06.11.2024
Exkursion Mehrnutzungshecken
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Umwelt.Wissen Tagung
more ...15.-16.10.2024
Bodenforum Österreich - Herbsttreffen
more ...26.+27.09.2024
ELSA Jahrestagung
more ...26.09.2024
555 x Paradies-Genüsse - Obstvielfalt entdecken und schmecken
more ...24.+25.09.2024
31th Conferece of the Danube Region
more ...21.09.2024
Fest der Obstvielfalt im Alchemistenpark
more ...17.+27.09.2024
Agroforstliche Pflegeseminare, Agroforst-Stammtisch
more ...17.09.2024
ÖBG Jahrestagung 'Mission'
more ...