Gemeinden im Bodenbündnis

Vorsitzender des europ.
DI Christian Steiner und
Dr. DI Erwin Szlezak
von der Abteilung Landentwicklung NÖ


ELSA European Land and Soil Alliance

Information about Soil Alliance

What is the Soil Alliance?

The European Land and Soil Alliance is an association of towns and municipalities in Europe with the target to actively stand for a sustainable treatment of soils. On the basis of a common manifesto, the members commit themselves to act determinedly on a local level, especially in the areas of soil conservation and spatial development.

The soil alliance regards itself as a network, in which towns and municipalities cooperate in partnership, and where an exchange of information and experience regarding the topic of ... read more »

Organisation Lower Austria

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Steiner
NÖ Agrarbezirksbehörde
Fachabteilung Landentwicklung
Landhausplatz 1, Haus 12
3109 St. Pölten

Tel.: 02742/9005/ 16055

Organisation International

The Land and Soil Alliance of European cities and municipalities was founded in October 200 in Bolzano. In emphasizing the European dimension, this association with its headquarters in Osnabrueck has been called European Land and Soil Alliance (ELSA) since January 2002.

For further information:


Offers by the province of Lower Austria

* Expositions on soil protection

* motivational speech and workshops on soil protection

* Soil protection projects:
Subsidies for
- Planning processes (with additional questions relevant to soil)
- Projects with children / adolescents / school projects
- Public relations
- measures of implementation

Application to Lower Austrian Department of nature conservation before start of project