Agroforestry Certificate Course - fixed start date 13.+14.03.2025
The agroforestry certificate course starts one month later!
The new fixed start date is
Thu 13 March and Fri 14 March 2025
in the LK St. Pölten
- * We always offer the option of making up appointments in the following year (free of charge).
- * AlleAll online appointments are recorded and can be listened to later.
- * Scripts and work instructions are provided for each module.
>> Download: Invoflyer Agroforst
Dipl.-Päd. Ing. Irene Blasge
Bildungsmanagerin LFI
6.1 Beratung, LFI
Wiener Straße 64 | A-3100 St. Pölten
Tel. 05 0259 26108 | Fax 05 0259 95 26108
Mobil 0664 60 259 26108 |
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