Soil Campaign - Summary of Contents
Our soil is an essential commodity, because it cannot be increased. We need it. We, and all coming generations. We cultivate it, drive upon it, walk upon it, and stand upon our soil. The crops of the fields stem from the soil, our daily food. Therefore a careful and conscious treatment of soil is necessary. Lower Austria started the campaign “Our soil - we stand upon it”” in spring 2007. Below you will find a summary of contents of our soil campaign!
Cultivated soil - earth, compost, cottage garden
Soil is of great significance in its ecological regulatory function. Soil is a filter, a buffer, and a transformer for various substances. Substances incorporated into soil are bound by means of chemical reactions on the surface by clay minerals and oxides.
Organic pollutants are degraded in the course of time by soil organisms. Such a discharge of pollutants into the ground water can be prevented. The filter and buffer capacity of soils is limited, and varies in its quality according to the properties of the respective soil. On account of its function as a storage tank for climate-relevant trace gases and as one of the main carbon sequestration tanks of our planet, soil contributes decisively to climate protection.
32nd Conference of the Danube Region
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Grundlagen der professionellen Bio-Mandel-Produktion
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Agroforst u. Marktgärtnerei, Symbiose
more ...24.06.2025
Die Maulbeere - Kultur, Produktion u.Verwendung
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Agroforstsysteme: Anbau-Modelle der Zukunft
more ...13.+14.05.2025
Bodenforum Österreich - Frühjahrstreffen
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Tageskurs: Perma-Veggies - Mehrjähriges Gemüse und essbare Stauden
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more ...08.04.2025
Agroforst: Traditionelle Systeme von Land- und Forstnutzung verbinden
more ...26.+27.03.2025
Tagung "Weniger Bodenversiegelung, mehr Zukunft - wie gelingt das?"
more ...20.+21.03.2025
Vitiforst - wie integriere ich Gehölze in meinen Weingarten?
more ...06.+07.03.2025
Bionet Gemüsetagung 2025
more ...06.03.2025
Seminar: Wassereffizienter Ackerbau
more ...26.02.2025
Zertifikatslehrgang Bodenpraktiker Ackerbau 2025 - Start
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Webinar: Agroforstsysteme im Grünland
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Webinar: Stickstoffdynamik im viehlosen Ackerbau
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Fruchtfolgeangepasste Begrünungen
more ...neuer Start: 13.+14.03.2025
LFI-Zertifikats-Lehrgang Agroforst 2025
more ...06.02.2025
Bionet-Webinar - Aktuelles zum Nützlingseinsatz in geschützten Kulturen
more ...04.02.2025 - 18.02.2025
Webinar: Mehrjähriges Gemüse - einmal pflanzen, mehrfach ernten
more ...