Soil types in Lower Austria - The 20 Lower Austrian District Soil Maps
The Soil Type Map of Lower Austria is intended to raise awareness of the importance of our soils, but also to help illustrate the diversity of soils in Lower Austria - from the soils of the mountains to those of the dry, summer-warm east - which are created by different climates and different rocks.
To understand the soil maps and soil type description, a little soil science first: Soils with similar characteristic properties and horizon sequences are referred to as soil types. Horizons are soil layers that have approximately the same properties - e.g. colour, soil type or soil structure - and differ from neighbouring soil layers. Humus is the more or less decomposed organic matter. The term "green" refers to the thickness of the soil horizons that can be used for plant growth.
Below you will find the general explanation, the individual district soil maps and the Lower Austrian soil map as pdf files for download (in German):
Explanations on the Lower Austrian Soil Map
District Amstetten & Waidhofen an der Ybbs
District Mödling und Wien Umgebung
District Neunkirchen, Wiener Neustadt and Wiender Neustadt Land
District St. Pölten and St. Pölten Land
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