Landesmuseum – Eröffnung Ausstellung Kiesel und Klunker – Vielfalt des NÖ Bodens!
Pebble & Tassel – Exposition on Variety of Soil in the Lower Austrian Provincial Museum
Pernkopf: All of us benefit from soil protection!
St. Poelten, 03/17/2012: Dr. Stephan Pernkopf, Regional Minister of the Environment, has opened the new exposition of "Pebble & Tassel" on Saturday in the Lower Austrian Provincial Museum. The new "jewel of exposition" can be visited until March 17, 2013 in the St. Poelten Government Quarters:
„The topics of soil resources, variety of soils and a long span of history of our nature and culture are an exciting arc which can be drawn by the visitors of this interesting, interactive exposition", states Dr. Stephan Pernkopf, Regional Minister of the Environment. He invites children and young people as well as adults to come to the Lower Austrian Provincial Museum. "The special location of Lower Austria shows a large number of geological particularities. This variety is expressed in a large wealth of rocks and spectacular minerals. Curator Mag. Andreas Thinschmidt and Director Dr. Erich Steiner have performed an excellent work!"
Pebble and Tassel - a designation for a hidden treasure reminding us of legends and stories, which at best has to be unearthed from deep darkness below the soil surface, in order to show its beauty. Correspondingly, also the subtitle refers to the variety in and under Lower Austrian soils, respectively. "Only a few will find such a treasure themselves, we all, however, may experience every year, which treasures the various and different soils in Lower Austria keep for us: these are soils, on the basis of which we live", Pernkopf emphasizes the special importance of the medium of soil for the production of food, renewable energy sources and clean groundwater. "It is therefore not only a matter of discovering treasures IN or UNDER soils, but of conceiving soil itself as a treasure."
Soil is substantially more than just a little bit of Earth crust. It is a highly complex, living system. In one handful of healthy soil there are more animals than people on Earth.
Within the framework of this exposition, soil is also shown in its variety and precious functions. Lower Austria has been an active member of the European Land and Soil Alliance since 2003. Around half of the almost 140 members in Europe are located in Lower Austria, and the example of active citizens, schools and municipalities is also effective beyond the borders. This is shown by new EU projects on soil protection (SONDAR), which are implemented upon Lower Austrian initiative in Slovakia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.
Within the framework of the SONDAR (Soil Strategy Network in the Danube Region) projects, at the opening of the Provincial Museum on 03/17/2012 also a soil colour painting station and an information stand about soil were provided.
For further information about SONDAR projects:
Photos: © Department of Rural Development / Nadja Meister 2012
Die Ausstellung "Schätze aus Niederösterreichs Boden" im Landesmuseum Niederösterreich präsentiert zum einen die bedeutendsten und schönsten Fundstücke von Fossilien, Gesteinen und Mineralen aus Niederösterreich.
Andererseits wird die Vielfalt heimischer Rohstoffe gezeigt und die Geschichte ihrer Nutzung. Ein weiteres Thema sind die mannigfaltigen und spannenden Verflechtungen zwischen Geologie und Biologie (z. B. Bodenbildung und Bodenleben, Gesteinsverwitterung). Den Abschluss bildet ein Ausblick, wo überall um uns herum geologische Prozesse stattfinden, wie sie uns beeinflussen, und welche Gefahren sie für uns beinhalten können.
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